Not sure if frameLag calc is ideal
isaacl opened this issue · 2 comments
isaacl commented
frameLag is currently a weighted running avg from trusted pongs.
This is very reasonable but what happens if a user hits a massive spike? The weighted avg skyrockets and won't return for a while. This translates into the old quota gain behavior for multiple moves in a row.
- capping millis so it can't skyrocket the frameLag weighted avg
- changing the formula to drop faster if recording values that are lower than the current weighted avg.
For example:
private val trustedSpikeRefreshFactor = 0.05f
private val trustedNormalRefreshFactor = 0.1f
private val maxMillis = 5000
.fold(millis) { prev => {
val weight = if (millis < prev) trustedNormalRefreshFactor else trustedSpikeRefreshFactor
val cappedMillis = millis atMost maxMillis
(prev * (1 - weight) + cappedMillis * weight).toInt
isaacl commented
(or something of this nature, potentially an even higher weight for low frameLag recordings)
isaacl commented
I'll do some digging and follow up w a PR