
Booting Arch Linux from an image file in NTFS

Primary LanguageShell


This repo provides two initcpio hooks (mountntfs, loopfile) for booting Arch Linux from an image file in NTFS filesystem.


  1. Prepare for a working Arch Linux OS root in an image file.

    1. It is mounted by losetup /dev/loop0 arch.img && mount /dev/loop0 /mnt
    2. /boot should be in a partition outside the image file. Otherwise, the GRUB bootloader may fail to find it. (TODO: use GRUB loopback to support /boot in file)
  2. (Chroot to the OS in file)

  3. Copy the files in initcpio into /etc/initcpio/.

  4. Add initcpio hooks mountntfs loopfile.

    1. Edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf, in HOOKS, add mountntfs loopfile after block.
    2. Rebuild initcpio (mkinitcpio -P).
  5. Add kernel cmdline parameters.

    1. (GRUB bootloader for example)
    2. Edit /etc/default/grub
    3. Add mountntfs=<NTFS_DEV>:/ntfs loopfile=/ntfs/arch.img in cmdline.
      (This mounts <NTFS_DEV> and maps the arch.img file as /dev/loop0.)
    4. Run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg