
vogella OpenReq Plugin for Eclipse

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0

OpenReq Eclipse Integration Build Status EPL 2.0

This plugin was created as a result of the OpenReq project funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 732463.

The following technologies are used:

Public APIs

The server implementation currently gathers the most discussed bugs of a certain period of time (defaults to 30 days back).

The API is documented by using Swagger2:

Functionalities of the Eclipse Plug-in

The Eclipse Plug-in offers the following features:

  • Personalized prioritisation of requirements

  • Newcomer bugs (work in progress)

  • Most discussed bugs

  • Tip of the day with personalized tips for a better usage of the Eclipse IDE

As for the personalized prioritisation of requirements: The user can see directly in the Eclipse IDE, in the 'Prioritizer' View, which requirements would fit not only to his/her own interests but would also be of interest for the community and good for the Eclipse project. After the user enters his Email Address, Eclipse Project, and Components of interest, the user gets a personalized and prioritized list of bugs.

As for the newcomer bugs: The user will see all bugs which are suitable for newcomers within the 'Prioritizer' view.

As for the most discussed bugs: Users will see the bugs with the largest amount of comments in the last 30 days for a specified Product - Component combination in the 'Most discussed bugs' view.

As for the Tip of the day with personalized tips: A service for the standard Eclipse Tip of the Day provides the user with personalized tips on how to improve his/her own usage of the Eclipse IDE.

Work in progress

  • In the 'Prioritizer' view, the user can already remove bugs from his list by deleting or snoozing them. This functionality is not yet implemented on the server side. It will be available shortly.

  • The newcomer bugs are not yet integrated to the 'Prioritizer' view.

Installing the Eclipse Plugin

A p2 update site can be found here:

This p2 update site can be entered in the following dialog by clicking menu:Help[Install New Software…​].

install eclipse plugins

Installing the Tip of the day feature

The user usage analysis is also provided as Tip of the day in the Eclipse IDE.

In order to install the Tip of the day feature the http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.8 update site can be used.

install tip of the day

Make sure to uncheck the Group items by category entry.

tip of the day stats

What does the application currently do?

In the Eclipse IDE you can install the Prioritzer plug-in and visualize the bugs, which might be interesting for you.

Prioritizer View

The tracing plug-ins can also trace the usage of shortcuts in the IDE and give feedback about that by providing it as tip of the day.

For a single command:

tip of the day refresh sample

Or as table for several commands:

tip of the day stats

What’s next?

Further statistics will be provided.


Getting statistics from bugzillas rest api is quite hard and takes some time. Therefore I suggested some enhancements to bugzillas rest api:

Technical structure

client server communication

Notes for developer

Running the Spring Boot server application

In order to run the Spring Boot application the following has to be run on the command line:

$ cd openreq/server
$ ./gradlew bRun

This can also be run from the IDE by using the Eclipse Buildship 2.x tooling (http://projects.eclipse.org/projects/tools.buildship/downloads) and Lombok (http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/Lombok/article.html#lombok-eclipse).

Generating p2 update site from source

You can also generate a p2 update site by cloning this repo and running the following command:

$ cd openreq/eclipse
$ ./mvnw clean verify

This will generate an update site for the Prioritizer Eclipse Plugin in the openreq/eclipse/com.vogella.prioritizer.updatesite/target/repository folder.

local update site

Just press on the btn:[Local] and point to the update site folder.

This will list the required features, which have to be installed.

Running the Eclipse Plugin from the IDE

Import all projects from the openreq git repository into your Eclipse IDE.

Then open the target-platform.target file inside the target-platform project. This will load all necessary dependencies for the project.

set target platform

In older Eclipse IDE distributions the Reload Target Platform link was called Set as Active Target Platform.

After the target platform has been set the Prioritizer-Plugin.launch launch configuration can be started by opening the eclipse project and right clicking on the Prioritizer-Plugin.launch file and clicking on the Run as > Prioritizer-Plugin menu entry.

launch file

The IP of the prioritizer service is hard coded in the class: eclipse/com.vogella.prioritizer.service/src/com/vogella/prioritizer/service/PrioritizerServiceImpl.java

You can change the IP of the Prioritizer API in the Run Configurations …​ . Go to Arguments and enter the new IP Address here like this -serverUrl= The arguments should now look like this:

-os ${target.os} -ws ${target.ws} -arch ${target.arch} -nl ${target.nl} -consoleLog -serverUrl=

The IP of the service running on ENG is:

The IP of the service running on TU Graz is:

How to contribute

See OpenReq project contribution guidelines


Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the EPL version 2 (EPL2.0).