
How to compile

ymGdragon opened this issue · 2 comments

I dont't know how to compile this file,tell me the steps please.

lieff commented

Hi :)
Almost all compilers should compile test application without special switches (but probably you want tune it for maximum performance).
Here build script used in travis CI:
Minimal gcc example with milti-threading support (4 max threads by default):

gcc -O3 -o minih264e minih264e_test.c system.c -lm -lpthread

and without milti-threading:

gcc -O3 -DH264E_MAX_THREADS=0 -o minih264e minih264e_test.c -lm

You can use mingw copmiler to build for windows (no threading sample):

x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -O3 -DH264E_MAX_THREADS=0 -o minih264e.exe minih264e_test.c -lm

And after 1434b8c commit you can use msvc:

cl.exe /Ob2 /DH264E_MAX_THREADS=0 minih264e_test.c libcmt.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib

Compilers I've checked: gcc, clang, mingw, msvc. But since it's valid C11 more should work out of box.

lieff commented

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