
can I change the format of prefix ?

thunderbolt-fire opened this issue · 4 comments

example: 图 1.1

I want to change it to 图 1-1

See chapDelim option, but bear in mind that - is used for reference ranges, so you will likely want to change rangeDelim as well. You may also need to use numberSections, depending on how your document is organized.

Not everything is supported with LaTeX/PDF output. If you're targeting that specifically, consider using cref: true and modifying the output using cleveref options instead. See cleveref docs

See chapDelim option, but bear in mind that - is used for reference ranges, so you will likely want to change rangeDelim as well. You may also need to use numberSections, depending on how your document is organized.

Not everything is supported with LaTeX/PDF output. If you're targeting that specifically, consider using cref: true and modifying the output using cleveref options instead. See cleveref docs

I want to turn markdown into word, but I find i – object number, possibly with chapter number (if chapter=True) .
i is the '1.1' , i can't change it to '1-1'.

As I said, chapDelim. Set it to chapDelim: '-'. Here's an example:

chapters: true
chapDelim: '-'

# Chapter 1

![Figure 1](foo.png){#fig:foo}


As I said, chapDelim. Set it to chapDelim: '-'. Here's an example:

chapters: true
chapDelim: '-'

# Chapter 1

![Figure 1](foo.png){#fig:foo}


Thanks very much! I solve it.