
Is this compatible with G-XXXXXXX IDs?

dreamflasher opened this issue · 2 comments

I am new to GA, apparently there are now G/Global IDs and not the Universal IDs anymore, can I just insert the G ID in the pe-ua field?

Google Analytics 4 is very different from Universal Analytics. At the time of writing and as per the official documentation, the GA4 measurement protocol is an alpha API and subject to change. Furthermore, the current GA4 measurement API needs an api_secret and comes with different parameters than the UA measurement API. As such, the current version of the project shouldn't work with GA4.
We can reevaluate the situation once the GA4 API goes public. In the meantime, you have to create a UA ID along with your GA ID.

Thank you very much for the explanation, it works great for me with UA ID.