
Error in connecting to OpenAI API

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Bildschirm­foto 2023-06-01 um 14 33 22

hello, I love this LLM ARIA and It would help me in college. But I can't use its. cause I I always see en Error in connecting to openAI API. Maybe cause I use the free version of ChatGPT and don't have an payed plan... Maybe you can help me quick. Thanks:)

Hi @Fridericusrexx The error message suggests that you have exceeded OpenAI's rate limit, which is only 3 requests per minute. You will have to set up a paid plan to continue using this tool. Sorry


I believe I have GPT4 api access (paid $20/month for chatGPT4), but still get no access issue. Is there anything I missed or incorrect?

Thank you so much for providing this great tool!

Hi @JasJia I know this is confusing but ChatGPT Plus subscription is different from GPT-4 API access. You may need to set up API billing information if you haven't done so:

Please check out the following posts for more instruction:

Hi @JasJia I know this is confusing but ChatGPT Plus subscription is different from GPT-4 API access. You may need to set up API billing information if you haven't done so:

Please check out the following posts for more instruction:

Thank you so much for your clarification! I guess I need to pay API later.