
coloring is not cleared properly and affects other schemes

jan-warchol opened this issue · 4 comments

Let's say I have this template:

# vim: ft=colortemplate
Full name:  example for bug report
Short name: test
Author:     JW <>

Background: dark

# Color palette
Color: bg_0          #181818        ~        none
Color: fg_0          #b9b9b9        ~        none
Color: green         #70b433        ~        DarkGreen

# Highlight group definitions
Variant:    gui 256 8

Normal        none  none
ShDerefSimple green none
ShDerefVar    green none

When I start Vim with default colorscheme, a piece of shell script will look like this (note magenta var HISTFILE):

Then I switch to the scheme generated with colortemplate (:colorscheme test), and vars become green:

So far so good. But when I try to go back (:colorscheme default), vars are... not colored at all:

So, it seems there are some leftovers that affect other schemes :/

It happens in vim and gvim, version 7.4 and 8.0.

This kind of behaviour affects all Vim colour schemes; it is actually a very long running issue and I believe was first noticed with the Solarized colour scheme.

Duplicate of #3.

The issue is still open in Vim's official repo.

Oh, sorry! I forgot to reply. I see. It's very sad of vim, but anyway thanks for helping me out @arzg and @lifepillar! I found a sort-of-workaround by playing with default groups in more detail.