
E518: Unknown option: <truncated file path>

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Colortemplate: v2.2.0
gVIM: v9.0.1425

The installation of vim-colorplate with vim-plug ran without issues.

" vimrc
set nocompatible
call plug#begin('$HOME\vimfiles\vim-plug')

Plug 'lifepillar/vim-colortemplate'

call plug#end()
filetype plugin indent on
syntax enable

Next I ran the :edit command similarly to the Readme example:

" gVIM
:edit vimfiles\vim-plug\vim-colortemplate\templates\dark.colortemplate

The :edit command triggers an error message:


I have tried to use forward slashes instead of backslashes for the :edit command, but the error message is identical. The corresponding code producing the error prepares and finally sets the value of the runtime_path variable:

let b:colortemplate_outdir = empty(expand('%:p:h')) ? getcwd() : expand('%:p:h')
if b:colortemplate_outdir =~? '\m\%(color\)\=templates\=$'
  let b:colortemplate_outdir = fnamemodify(b:colortemplate_outdir, ':h')
if get(g:, 'colortemplate_rtp', 1)
  execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. b:colortemplate_outdir


It looks like the :h modifier for the expand function is insufficient to preserve the space character in the head of the full file path. The :h:S modifier would be suitable to escape special/whitespace characters in the path string for both the expand and the fnamemodify functions

let b:colortemplate_head = expand('%:p:h:S')
let b:colortemplate_outdir = empty(b:colortemplate_head) ? fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':p:h:S') : b:colortemplate_head
if get(g:, 'colortemplate_rtp', 1)
  execute 'set runtimepath^=' .. b:colortemplate_outdir

With these modifications, the path expansion is only ever evaluated once and the b:colortemplate_outdir is assigned a string with the file path to the templates folder:
C:\Users\Christian Rickert\vimfiles\vim-plug\vim-colortemplate\templates.
In case the path expansion doesn't yield any result (set to let b:colortemplate_head = '' for testing), the variable is instead assigned a string with the file path to the current working directory:
C:\Users\Christian Rickert

As a result, the value of the runtime_path variable is properly set and the error message disappears.

@lifepillar If you agree with this proposed change, I would create a pull request.

Thanks for investigating this issue! Paths are tough… If you could make a PR out of that it would be great!

Btw, what do echo exists('+shellslash') and echo &shellslash print in your environment? Does Colortemplate work if you add set shellslash=1 in your vimrc?

Btw, what do echo exists('+shellslash') and echo &shellslash print in your environment? Does Colortemplate work if you add set shellslash=1 in your vimrc?

echo exists('shellslash')
" 1
echo &shellslash
" 0

set shellslash
echo &shellslash
" 1
:edit vimfiles\vim-plug\vim-colortemplate\templates\dark.colortemplate
" E518, see below.


The current master should solve this issue, but I cannot test it on Windows. Can you please check and report whether it's fixed for you?

Closing as fixed, as per your comment here: bef949c#commitcomment-115557784