
Y.ImageCropper in Bootstrap 3

Closed this issue · 3 comments

For an Image inside Bootstrap modal window ImageCropper controls now working (all controls in one spot: left-top angle of image), if image parent has css {"text-align":center}, then cropper has a problem with Zero coordinates of his background image. + z-index error.

aui-image-cropper, V 3.0.0

if image has styled max-width or max-height, and image bigger then (max-width or max-height), cropper has a Zoom problems.

Thanks a lot for reporting these problems. I've opened two separate jira issues for those ( and

Next time, keep in mind that issues should be posted on Jira instead of GitHub :)

I'll close this since we'll be working on the jira issues instead then. You should be able to access them too if you wish to see the progress or add something.