- 1
Saving app.screens into localStorage
#349 opened by PH4NTOMiki - 1
- 1
Dynamically added classes to the head element gets removed on page change
#335 opened by bojanvidanovic - 1
How to flip a specific surface only?
#331 opened by bojanvidanovic - 1
Back button reloads the inital page
#330 opened by bojanvidanovic - 14
In IE11, media queries in style tags with data-senna-track attributes are applied as though the page has a width of 0px
#301 opened by holatuwol - 2
Start navigation on mousedown instead of on click
#321 opened by lneves12 - 3
- 3
endNavigate when instantiated via data attributes
#288 opened by WHI-CH - 14
Browser support matrix doesn't mention support for any browser other than Edge in Windows 10
#294 opened by duracell80 - 1
- 2
Style tags with permanent track will duplicate a lot
#268 opened by diegonvs - 2
- 4
Anchor scroll after page loaded for the first time
#229 opened by caneta - 2
- 4
Turn Cache on Screens off
#287 opened by Aurugorn - 1
Bundle using Webpack .
#234 opened by anoopd - 1
TODO: Remove workaround to prevent DOM Exception 18 during unit tests execution on Safari
#247 opened by brunobasto - 1
how to use mvc scene?
#300 opened by neozhu - 2
Accesibility error on iframe
#250 opened by salvatejero - 1
Refactor senna.js code to new Ecmascript standards
#280 opened by diegonvs - 2
Examples are 404
#231 opened by nicolas-raoul - 4
Flaky Test 'App should wait for pendingNavigate before removing screen on double back navigation'
#216 opened by jbalsas - 3
Cleanup long-standing PRs
#341 opened by jbalsas - 0
Branch 3.x and move 2.x to master
#340 opened by jbalsas - 0
- 4
Add custom behavior when a Redirect happens (302)
#302 opened by lneves12 - 2
- 2
Senna.js not working when navigating between pages when using a Web Server + SSL on IE11
#290 opened by gregory-bretall - 8
Liferay environment: how to get current senna version?
#214 opened by caneta - 0
Query appending to IE11 link
#295 opened by fortunatomaldonado - 0
- 0
- 0
- 5
Different ports are considered same origin
#254 opened by jbalsas - 3
Remove the console.log when publishing
#272 opened by matuzalemsteles - 3
Cancel navigation duplicates surfaces
#262 opened by antonio-ortega - 18
- 4
examples on the home page don't seem to work?
#255 opened by ke5stl - 3
Customize loading bar color in Liferay DXP fixpack 36
#249 opened by caneta - 0
document.referrer is not updated on navigation
#238 opened by jbalsas - 0
Allow beforeDeactivate to return promise, and create similar lifecycle method for before activation
#235 opened by robframpton - 1
- 2
Broken Favicon with IE11
#228 opened by SpencerWoo - 9
Anchor link offset are not calculated correctly
#221 opened by dacousalr - 17
- 3
- 6
Senna doesn't respect link target attribute
#211 opened by brunobasto - 2
Anchor links are dropped
#207 opened by caneta - 6
examples are outdated
#206 opened by wowselim