paging=TRUE results in error: no layers in datasource
Closed this issue · 3 comments
I tried to download the following subset via the URL below:
URL <- ""
The code below works.
test <- eurobis_occurrences_basic(url=URL)
However, trying the same with
test <- eurobis_occurrences_basic(url=URL,paging=TRUE)
always results in the following error: "Error: No layers in datasource."
Trying different paging_length
values does not make a difference.
@salvafern : API or R code ...?
Try with version=2.0 (See eblondel/ows4R#70 (comment))
wfs <- WFSClient$ new("", "2.0.0", logger = "INFO")$ getCapabilities()$ findFeatureTypeByName("Dataportal:eurobis-obisenv_basic")
params <- "where%3A%28%28up.geoobjectsids+%26%26+ARRAY%5B2350%5D%29%29+AND+datasetid+IN+%28216%29%3Bcontext%3A0100%3Baphiaid%3A104464"
#with pagination system.time(feature_pagination <- wfs$getFeatures(viewParams = params, paging = TRUE, paging_length = 1000))
This results in the following error:
Also changing the "wfs?version=1.1.0" to "wfs?version=2.0.0" in the URL I mentioned before does not fix the issue.