Error running on Rasbian stretch
adigeo opened this issue · 1 comments
pi@murano:~/work/GateOne $ sudo ./
[W 180807 14:46:42 locale:61] No translation found for locale: nl_NL
[W 180807 14:46:42 locale:61] No translation found for locale: nl_NL
[W 180807 14:46:42 locale:61] No translation found for locale: nl_NL
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 32, in
from gateone.core.server import main
File "/home/pi/work/GateOne/gateone/core/", line 402, in
from gateone.auth.authorization import require, authenticated, policies
File "/home/pi/work/GateOne/gateone/auth/", line 38, in
File "/home/pi/work/GateOne/gateone/core/", line 290, in init
MEMO = AutoExpireDict(timeout=timeout, interval="30s")
File "/home/pi/work/GateOne/gateone/core/", line 161, in init
self.interval = kwargs.pop('interval')
File "/home/pi/work/GateOne/gateone/core/", line 211, in interval
self._timeout_checker, value, io_loop=self.io_loop)
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'io_loop'
Exception AttributeError: "'AutoExpireDict' object has no attribute '_key_watcher'" in <bound method AutoExpireDict.del of {}> ignored
Looks like an incompatibility with tornado. The setup script installed tornado 5.1
pip install tornado==4.5