
ControlNet Run preprocessor not working

Closed this issue · 4 comments

after some update (I'm not able to say date) I encounters problem regarding ControlNet tab in Replacer. When I upload image to ControlNet and want to see "Preprocessor preview" I'm ussing "Run preprocessor" icon (on the right from preprocessor choice menu). But now when I click on icon nothink happens. There no show any preview. Of course I have turned on "Allow Preview" choice.

EDIT: In txt2img and img2img the icon works.


Did it work earlier? I didn't test it. I know it's buggy, maybe it will work inside dedicated page

Yes, earlier it worked.
What you have on mind by dedicated page, please? I see ControlNet panel only in txt2img, img2img and Replacer tabs.

I confirm, it doesn't work. Even in dedicated page. I don't think it's very necessary feature, but maybe someone can understand why it happens. So don't close the issue

Done 👐🏻