
Vertical Split color

hugegulp opened this issue · 5 comments

I just installed this lovely theme, and I noticed that the vertical split line I've got is not dashed like in the screenshot:


How do I get the dashed line? is it a specific font? Perhaps we can have s:vsplit_fg use s:black or something much more subtle than that harsh white2. Is there a way for me to override this in my .vimrc?

I just installed this lovely theme

Thank you so much!!

I noticed that the vertical split line I've got is not dashed like in the screenshot:

So that dash/line depends on the font you are using. I am using Nerd Font Medium and for me the line got rendered as dashed.

What font as you using?

you can define the character to be used for the separator with the following line in your vimrc
set fillchars=vert:\│

Just to try out, may be put + as the character and test it out to make sure.

Perhaps we can have s:vsplit_fg use s:black or something much more subtle than that harsh white2

You are right about this, white2 is very harsh as a separator in a continuous line.

Black on the other hand is a bit too subdued, barely see the difference.

One solution is I could swap white2 to hl_bg: #090B26. Much more subdued as compared to white2 and still not completely washed out.

This is what hl_bg: #090B26 would look like.

qauff commented

I love it, that's a great choice 😍

I love it, that's a great choice 😍

Thank you!

Thanks for pointing out this issue. I am also adding a few more coc options, so will put a fix for this issues along with that and push it later today hopefully.

Added an option to toggle vertical split line color.
Default color is now dark.

It can be changed using this option: let g:lighthaus_vsplit_line_light = 1

Have updated the README with the info as well.