
Additional field error in DatasourceConfigLOCAL instance

kais-bedioui opened this issue · 3 comments

I am just starting with Lightly and was following the tutorial in the docs.

When I run the data selection script on locally-stored data I encounter this error:
[2024-01-01 00:39:18] An unexpected exception occured: Error due to additional fields (not defined in DatasourceConfigLOCAL) in the input: {'id': '659209a705d3159533645f2c', 'purpose': 'INPUT', 'type': 'LOCAL', 'thumbSuffix': '.lightly/thumbnails/[filename]_thumb.[extension]', 'fullPath': 'lightly-input', 'webServerLocation': 'http://localhost:3456'}
What could be the issue?

Hi! The error most likely happens because of the fullPath field in the config. This field is not expected for local configs as relative_path should be used instead. See our docs for more information:

Hey @kais-bedioui. Please ensure you are using the latest lightly-worker version as local storage was shipped with version 2.9.x, while the latest stable version with many bugfixes is 2.10.2.

docker pull lightly/worker:latest

@japrescott I did the update, thanks for the heads up. I think @guarin 's input is what did it for me. Looking at that tutorial helped me know how to properly define the input paths.
This is solved.