
Does LDK already support production environment (BTC mainnet) use?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When I was working on a project, I tried to start a Lightning Network node with reference to the ldk-sample project.
If the bitcoin-network parameter is filled with mainnet or main, the following information will be prompted:
Unsupported network provided. Options are: regtest, testnet, and signet

tnull commented

LDK itself is ready to be used on mainnet, but the ldk-sample project is really just a sample project that is not intended to replace a full node or to be used in a production environment (even though rumor has it some are reckless enough to do so).
So, if you're interested in a full node based on LDK, you may want to have a look at Sensei.

If you're building your own thing based off ldk-sample and you know what you're doing you should easily be able to add a corresponding option. That's coming of course with the usual disclaimer that it's then on you if you're putting your funds at risk.

We should maybe consider enabling mainnet on the sample node, I think. Indeed, its not really intended to be used "seriously" - its just a sample, after all, not a node. Indeed, I do run a mainnet node with a bunch of channels using (a fork of) the ldk-sample here, and it generally works well. We also fix issues with things as they come up, so it mostly is fine.