
Embed Pool asks on my Website

diegokolling opened this issue · 2 comments

I offer liquidity through Pool for other nodes to buy it.

Would be great to kind of embed those asking orders on my website, so like through someone could by it from me, through Pool.

Or at least to point to me when doing it through Pool.

Fun idea!

I'm envisioning something like

"Click here to send a $ pool order submit bid --allowed_node_id 021c97a90a411ff2b10dc2a8e32de2f29d2fa49d41bfbb52bd416e460db0747d0d to your node over Lightning-Node Connect <> lnc-web"

Brought this up with the team, might need to fill in some prereq's before though

Great! So nice to hear back from you. Seems like a few interfaces tweaks and I would be able to do just like what Zero Fee is doing, but trustless and trough Pool (but still on my website). Post on my Tweeter feed, etc. Talk about democratizing money access! I think of it as a mix between Liquidity ads and Pool. Best of both! Since it’s marketed outside LN itself it does not spam anyone on the network