
reset/cleanup lnd state when canceled Pool actions occur (open channel etc)

dstadulis opened this issue · 0 comments

Expected behavior
If Pool backend cancels a batch (one of the set of trader doesn't perform the batch's instructions), Pool should instruct lnd to return to a state where the node is reset to be able to create a new transaction with their pool funds (say, open a Pool channel immediately).

Actual behavior
Pool doesn't instruct lnd to reset state/channels when batches are canceled. Channel opens, and spends will persist in their unexecutable form (Due to a cancel batche) until Pool client receives the next batch-creation instructions from Pool server.

Waiting to reset lnd's state until Pool server instructs the client to perform and time critical action (batch creation) is subpary and likely causes delay and dysfunction in subsequent batch creation

Reset/cleanup lnd state when canceled Pool actions occur (open channel etc)