
Adding additional data

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hey there!

This is a very handy jQuery plugin. I wonder how could I add additional data that is not a column of the table.

For instance, there I have a column with an image where I use extractor to get the image src. In addition to the image src, I would like to add the image width and height to the generated JSON. How would I do that?


I'm glad you like the tool. I don't believe what you want can be accomplished within table-to-json, and it would be difficult to add the requested feature.

Your only option wI'll be to loop over the results, adding the new properties yourself. I hope that helps

Thanks for the fast answer! I guess I might write my own table to JSON as what I am doing is quite specific.

Actually, it is possible using the extractor (demo)

var table = $('#example-table').tableToJSON({
  extractor: function(cellIndex, $cell) {
  	var $img = $cell.find('img');
    return {
      name: $img.attr('alt'),
      width: $img.width(),
      height: $img.height()

Thanks a bunch @Mottie ! Does it work with multiple columns?

Here is my current implementation:

var table = $(el).tableToJSON({
	ignoreEmptyRows: true,
	headings: headings,
	textExtractor: {
		3: function (cellIndex, $cell) {
			// Get the image src attribute
			var imgUrl = $cell.find('a.image>img').attr('src');
			// Get bigger image URL
			if (imgUrl) {
				return imgUrl.replace('110px-', '640px-');

The image that I want to get dimensions is in column 4. The other columns are text.

Does it work with multiple columns?

Yes, you can see an example in the main readme.

Sorry I was not clear enough. I mean I can't get your example to work in my situation. I replaced the above code by:

var table = $(el).tableToJSON({
	ignoreEmptyRows: true,
	headings: headings,
	extractor: {
		3: function (cellIndex, $cell) {
			var $img = $cell.find('img');
			return {
				name: $img.attr('alt'),
				width: $img.width(),
				height: $img.height()

In other words, how to get your example to work a specific column?

Finally got it working thanks for your precious help. Sorry for the trouble I caused 😋