
Accessing Reference File Geom

Closed this issue · 14 comments

Are there any examples for gaining access to referenced file geometry?

Repro Steps

  1. Update usdobj-001.usda to reference suzanne.usdc:
def Mesh "suzanne" (
  prepend references = @suzanne.usdc@
  1. Load USD as a Layer bool ret = tinyusdz::LoadLayerFromFile(filepath, &root_layer, &warn, &err);
  2. Do compositions (it also returns a layer) tinyusdz::CompositeReferences(resolver, src_layer, &composited_layer, &warn, &err)
  3. Then construct Stage (freezed state) from Layer
bool LayerToStage(const Layer &layer, Stage *stage
  1. Then call tinyusdz::tydra::ListPrims 
std::map<std::string, const tinyusdz::GeomMesh*> meshmap;
tinyusdz::tydra::ListPrims(stage, meshmap);

Expected Results
meshmap should contain the mesh data for suzanne.usdc

Actual Result
I can see the geometry faces and vertices for suzanne are printed, but GeomMesh* meshmap is empty


I'll call, and received back a source layer without any warnings or errors, but unsure how to extract the suzanne geometry.

syoyo commented

You cannot reference USD in def GeomMesh(or Prim). pxrUSD's usdcat reports error. You should use subLayers in Stage metadata.

You can import .obj throughreference in TinyUSDZ,

tusdcat usdobj-001.usda --flatten

but this is tinyusdz's usdObj extension, so the behavior may be different compared to pxrUSD(OpenUSD)'s usdObj.

syoyo commented

And as you may see the tusdcat code, if you do the composition,

  • you first need to load USD as a Layer,
  • then do compositions(it also produces Layer)
  • then construct Stage(freezed state) from Layer
    bool LayerToStage(const Layer &layer, Stage *stage, std::string *warn,
  • then call tinyusdz::tydra::ListPrims
syoyo commented

You should use subLayers in Stage metadata.

Ah, I forgot referencing usd through over Prim is possible. But its a bit complicated.

Thank you!

And as you may see the tusdcat code, if you do the composition,

  • you first need to load USD as a Layer,
  • then do compositions(it also produces Layer)
  • then construct Stage(freezed state) from Layer
    bool LayerToStage(const Layer &layer, Stage *stage, std::string *warn,
  • then call tinyusdz::tydra::ListPrims

I've used the tusdcat with --flatten --composition=r and get src_layer
I then attempt to get geom, but meshmap is still empty.

  tinyusdz::LayerToStage(src_layer, &stage, &warn, &err);
  std::map<std::string, const tinyusdz::GeomMesh*> meshmap;
  tinyusdz::tydra::ListPrims(stage, meshmap);
syoyo commented

You should not post unreproducible thing. You should post an issue with reproducible procedures and minimal test files/code. And you should first dump composited Stage(Stage::ExportToString) and confirm it contains GeomMesh

You should not post unreproducible thing. You should post an issue with reproducible procedures and minimal test files/code. And you should first dump composited Stage(Stage::ExportToString) and confirm it contains GeomMesh

Repro steps added.
I can see the geometry faces and vertices are printed

syoyo commented

Good. but Mesh in Mesh in the screenshot is invalid USD.

def Mesh "suzanne" (
  prepend references = @suzanne.usdc@

TinyUSDZ should report error/warning when referencing usd in def Prim without prim path, so this should be a tinyusdz's bug.

And you are better to use subLayers for a while if you want to include USD scene

syoyo commented

FYI OpenUSD's usdcat --flatten 's result.

usdcat --flatten test.usda                                                                
Warning: in _ReportErrors at line 2971 of /home/syoyo/work/USD/pxr/usd/usd/stage.cpp -- In </bora>: Unresolved reference prim path @/home/syoyo/work/tinyusdz/models/suzanne.usdc@<defaultPrim> introduced by @test.usda@</bora> (instantiating stage on stage @test.usda@ <0x56496380db40>) 

#usda 1.0
    doc = """Generated from Composed Stage of root layer /home/syoyo/work/tinyusdz/models/test.usda                                   """

def Mesh "bora"  {
syoyo commented

Further FYI, specify the prim path(which Prim path is referenced) as shown below should work both for usdcat and tinyusdz

def Mesh "suzanne" (
  prepend references = @suzanne.usdc@</Suzanne/Suzanne>

Then you'll be able to find GeomMesh in tydra::ListPrim

Ah, that makes sense... I can validate that /Suzanne/Suzanne hierarchy inside of Omniverse USDComposer.

Unfortunately, I'm still getting an empty map when using @suzanne.usdc@</Suzanne/Suzanne> with tydra::ListPrim after calling LayerToStage with the composited reference layer.
I'll take your suggestion and check out sub-layers instead.

syoyo commented

I'm still getting an empty map

Ah, LayerToStage is not yet implemented...

// TODO: primChildren metadatum

syoyo commented

Ah, LayerToStage is not yet implemented...

Pushed initial working LayerToStage in this commit: 08dcdc4

I've validated that 08dcdc4 works! Thank you :D