
Android Wear support

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Support for Android Wear-watches would be very nice.
So you wouldn't have to pull out your phone, while you have your luggage in your hands.

An easy way around this feature is to enable support for rich notifications and geofencing or a time based alert. If a pkpass file has GPS coordinates, set up fence around the location, or you can set up a notification to pop up X min before the event starts if it has a time.

That notification can be a rich image notification with the barcode. This will show up on Android Wear automatically.

Of course, a way to navigate them would be great. This is a way to add a new feature for both the phone and the watch at once.

@ligi any advice as to where I should be putting code that requires geofencing? Would that be in src/withMaps?

Also, I see you're using Kotlin! Is there any guideline on if that should be used on anything new going forward?

ligi commented

yes - it has to get into withMaps when it uses play-services geofencing - it is important that always a fdroid version is buildable when dealing with play-services or other closed source stuff - fdroid gets noMaps flavor.
Regarding kotlin - as there is no lint yet I use it for logic but not close to the android API if possible - might migrate fully when lint for kotlin becomes available