
Expiring for Events, Culturals, Movies

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Models need to have some kind of expiring field that can help identify if a event/cultural has current status.

Not sure about movies since it has a RUN/NEW tag; then again we might need to add a EXP to these tags as well

The event and cultural should display according to the current date of the device it is in use. So I think the expiring stuff can be carried out within the app.

Display only the events that is after the current date all the rest can stay in the db but not shown in the app.

i don't think that logic should be in the front-end app-side because

  1. the backend will then have to return all the list of events; even if the event is long expired

eg: event on 22nd June 2016 should not be returned by backend after say June 30th.
although the data is in the db, it shouldn't be returned

Ok then will modify the model accommodate this issue.

saw new commits for this issue, couldn't check though.
If you @liginv have verified it; close this issue.

@alenthomas I just started it. It's still in experiment... Won't be involving much this week