
PDOException: There is no active transaction

SophieBoewa opened this issue · 8 comments


When i try to load Fixtures, pdo throws the exception from above. I found a workaround using TransactionHelper from Doctrine, but therefore i have to edit the Doctrine EntityManager, and i don't think that this should be the way to go.

    public function setUp(): void
        $this->client = self::createClient([],[]);
        $this->databaseTool = $this->getContainer()->get(DatabaseToolCollection::class)->get();
        $this->executor = $this->databaseTool->loadFixtures($this->getFixtureClasses());

using this code, i get the following stacktrace:

  1. App\Tests\Controller\AppBundle\AnonymousRedirectCrawlTest::testAnonymousRedirected with data set #0 ('/', '/login')
    PDOException: There is no active transaction

I'm using PHP 8.1.7, PHPUnit 8.5.27,
liip/test-fixtures-bundle 2.4.0

Maybe you got a solution, on how to fix this Problem.

Ps. It's my first time, writing an Issue, so if sth. is missing, please tell me.

Thanks for the report.

Does it work if you call the container in another way? Like this:

$this->databaseTool = static::getContainer()->get(DatabaseToolCollection::class)->get();

Hey, sorry for the long wait.

I tried that too, the Error Message stays the same.

I can't reproduce this issue in a Symfony 5.4 project that run tests with PHPUnit 9.5 on PHP 7.4, 8.0 and 8.1, on a MySQL database.

Could you please share a reproducer? The Symfony doc explains how to do it. Please commit the minimal code to reproduce the issue, without forgetting the composer.json and composer.lock files.

Here is my test class:

full code
class ControllerTest extends WebTestCase
    protected KernelBrowser $testClient;
    protected AbstractDatabaseTool $databaseTool;

    protected function setUp(): void

        $this->testClient = static::createClient();


        $container = self::$kernel->getContainer();
        /** @var DatabaseToolCollection $dbToolCollection */
        $dbToolCollection = $container->get(DatabaseToolCollection::class);
        $this->databaseTool = $dbToolCollection->get();

    public function testLeaderboardsNumberOfBadgesNoUser(): void

        $path = '/users/leaderboards/badges/';

        $crawler = $this->testClient->request('GET', $path);

        $this->assertSame(404, $this->testClient->getResponse()->getStatusCode());

    protected function tearDown(): void

I was able to reproduce this issue on a different and unrelated PR (#109):

Config Mysql (Liip\Acme\Tests\Test\ConfigMysql)
 ✘ Load fixtures and purge
   │ PDOException: There is no active transaction
   │ /home/runner/work/LiipTestFixturesBundle/LiipTestFixturesBundle/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/PDO/Connection.php:123
   │ /home/runner/work/LiipTestFixturesBundle/LiipTestFixturesBundle/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/Middleware/AbstractConnectionMiddleware.php:87
   │ /home/runner/work/LiipTestFixturesBundle/LiipTestFixturesBundle/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Logging/Connection.php:83
   │ /home/runner/work/LiipTestFixturesBundle/LiipTestFixturesBundle/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/Middleware/AbstractConnectionMiddleware.php:87
   │ /home/runner/work/LiipTestFixturesBundle/LiipTestFixturesBundle/vendor/symfony/doctrine-bridge/Middleware/Debug/Connection.php:173
   │ /home/runner/work/LiipTestFixturesBundle/LiipTestFixturesBundle/vendor/doctrine/dbal/src/Connection.php:1420
   │ /home/runner/work/LiipTestFixturesBundle/LiipTestFixturesBundle/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityManager.php:253
   │ /home/runner/work/LiipTestFixturesBundle/LiipTestFixturesBundle/vendor/doctrine/data-fixtures/lib/Doctrine/Common/DataFixtures/Executor/ORMExecutor.php:76
   │ /home/runner/work/LiipTestFixturesBundle/LiipTestFixturesBundle/src/Services/DatabaseTools/ORMDatabaseTool.php:127
   │ /home/runner/work/LiipTestFixturesBundle/LiipTestFixturesBundle/tests/Test/ConfigMysqlTest.php:277

full log (they may be deleted in the future)

The error only appear with PHP 8.0 and 8.1, so it may be due to different versions of dependencies. But the tests are randomized so we can't be sure.

It may be related to doctrine/DoctrineFixturesBundle#348 and/or doctrine/DoctrineFixturesBundle#363

Sorry i wasn't able to build a reproducer till this day, i'm trying to work on this now.

So it looks like the creation and deletion of the dabase causes this error, I didn't found a solution yet.

Please try this workaround:

    keep_database_and_schema: true

Have you found the solution? I'm facing the same issue.

Same here.

PHP 8.2
mariadb 10.8.3.
phpunit 9.6.3
symfony: 6.2
doctrine: 2.14
test-fixtures-bundle 2.6.0

    public function setUp(): void
        $this->client = static::createClient();
        $this->databaseTool = static::getContainer()->get(DatabaseToolCollection::class)->get();

    public function testIndexAction(): void
        // ...