
XML Marshalling Support

weisjohn opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey there, great library. I'm hoping to use it, however, when trying to use xml.Marshal, I get no output. Is there a way to add in support for this? I'm happy to do it if you give me a pointer or two.

Hey @weisjohn,
thanks for the interest.
At the moment there's only json marshalling implemented. To add XML marshalling there are a couple of things which would need to be done.

  1. Your structs would need to be annotated with the xml field tags (see an example here
  2. Most likely the XML tags would need to be read alongside the JSON tags (
  3. Another exception might need to be added for XML marshalling here:

I'm not entirely sure if that's all there is to be done because of the different structure of XML (attributes etc.). sheriff.Marshal returns a map[string]interface{} when passed a struct, which then can be passed to json.Marshal. As XML marshalling is quite a bit different, I'm unsure if that would work for XML marshalling too.
It's worth a try and if you try it out I can help you on the way most likely. Currently don't have the time to do that on my own though.

Let me know if you have further questions!

Any update @weisjohn?

@mweibel nope, sorry, no update. I've moved on from needing this, unfortunately.