
Advent of Code 2017

Primary LanguageOCaml

Advent of Code, 2017

I'll be updating this repository with each day's solution in ReasonML. It's built using BuckleScript; check out the ReasonML quick start guide for installing the tool chain if you want to build changes to the project.

Solution source files are in src/*.re. Common utilities and data structures are found in src/utils/*.re.

If you want to just try out the solutions, you can build the project (yarn build) and run them with the command:

yarn solve day4 part1 "my test input"

Or, by starting up a node REPL:

~/Code/advent-2017 $ node
> let day4 = require('./src/dayFour.bs')
> day4.part1('my test input')

Tests are located in the src/tests directory; they are automatically generated using the Solution functor and are based on the cases binding found in each solution module. The tests run automatically on compiling.


If you use vscode, Press Windows + Shift + B it will build automatically