
Backend update product error 1,000 to 1

vinazoom opened this issue · 3 comments

I use on magento 2.1.14 and bellow not have this issue.
On magento 2.1.16 example i set precision = 0
On product set price = 990000
First save ok, second edit, the price auto add "," to 990,000
After save, the price was change to 990

This extension is very helpful, thanks for developers.
I hope this issue will be fix soon.

can confirm this issue when updating via backend this happens on special price and normal price. Please fix this and keep going with the good work!

it affects both normal and special price

On edit an exist product, it show

After save


1,390,000 round to 1.
If want to work fine, i will add .00 to price, Exp: 1,390,000.00
