example with CoffeeScript and Promise
tiye opened this issue · 0 comments
tiye commented
fs = require 'fs'
Promise = require 'promise'
readdir = Promise.denodeify fs.readdir
read = Promise.denodeify fs.readFile
addString = (sum, line) -> sum + (Number (line.match /\d+/)[0])
addSecond = (sum, aaa) -> sum + aaa[1]
formatSize0 = (n) ->
formatSize = (acc, n) ->
if (n > 1100) and (acc <= 3)
then formatSize (acc + 1), (n /= 1024)
unit = 'KMGT'[acc]
num = n.toFixed(1)
formatSize 0, n
fillLength = (n, str) ->
if str.length < n
then fillLength n, " #{str}"
else str
.then (files) ->
list = files
.filter (file) -> file.match /\d+/
.map (file) ->
(read "/proc/#{file}/smaps", 'utf8')
.then (text) ->
text.split('\n').filter (line) -> line.match(/^Swap/)
.then (lines) ->
(read "/proc/#{file}/cmdline", 'utf8')
.then (text) ->
cmdline = text.replace /\0/g, ' '
[file, lines, cmdline]
(Promise.all list)
.then (res) ->
out = res
.filter (aaa) -> aaa[1].length > 0
.map (aaa) ->
aaa[1] = aaa[1].reduce(addString, 0)
.sort (aaa, bbb) -> aaa[1] - bbb[1]
output out
.then null, (error) ->
console.error 'error', error
output = (res) ->
console.log [
fillLength 5, 'PID'
fillLength 9, 'SWAP'
].join(' ')
str = res
.map (aaa) ->
fillLength 5, aaa[0]
fillLength 9, (formatSize0 aaa[1])
].join(' ')
console.log str
console.log [
formatSize0 (res.reduce addSecond, 0)
# fs.writeFileSync 'data.json', JSON.stringify(res, null, 2)