
Directions on best model checkpoint

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Thanks for this amazing work! could you please provide more directions on accessing the best model checkpoints.
I am a little bit lost reading the current README. It's current says the weights are at
Many thanks :)

Thanks for this amazing work! could you please provide more directions on accessing the best model checkpoints. I am a little bit lost reading the current README. It's current says the weights are at sdrgprmblob01scus:t-manlingli/checkpoint/best. Many thanks :)

Did you get the dataset?

@Kenan-Jiang @limanling what means 'sdrgprmblob01scus:t-manlingli/checkpoint/best'?

@Kenan-Jiang @limanling what means 'sdrgprmblob01scus:t-manlingli/checkpoint/best'?

I think it's a folder which stores the the best model weights during training. I believe the author will share this as a valid link in the future.

Thanks for this amazing work! could you please provide more directions on accessing the best model checkpoints. I am a little bit lost reading the current README. It's current says the weights are at sdrgprmblob01scus:t-manlingli/checkpoint/best. Many thanks :)

hello, How do I get ontology_oneie.json file in, please?

@Kenan-Jiang Hi, have you got the contents in sdrgprmblob01scus? Until now I couldn't find any link to access this folder, and I haven't seen the author providing the open link to it.

@MartinYuanNJU Hello, do you have ontology_oneie.json file in ?


@Kenan-Jiang Hi, have you got the contents in sdrgprmblob01scus? Until now I couldn't find any link to access this folder, and I haven't seen the author providing the open link to it.

Hi,did you get it, please?