
Ethereum Solidity Samples

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT

Ethereum dApps Next.js Boiletplate PRs Welcome

made for ethereum to the moon MIT license

The project contains samples of Ethereum Smart Contract in Solidity.

Smart Contract Development

The project is bootstrapped with Truffle using truffle init command.

Steps to run the smart contracts locally:

  1. Clone the github repository. This also takes care of installing the necessary dependencies.

    git clone git@github.com:limcheekin/eth-solidity-samples.git
  2. Install Truffle globally.

    npm install -g truffle
  3. Run the development console in the eth-solidity-samples directory.

    truffle develop
  4. Compile and migrate the smart contracts. Note inside the development console we don't preface commands with truffle.

  5. Truffle can run tests written in Solidity or JavaScript against your smart contracts. Note the command varies slightly if you're in or outside of the development console.

    // If inside the development console.
    // If outside the development console.
    truffle test
  6. Run with MetaMask

    As truffle develop exposes the blockchain onto port 9545, you'll need to add a Custom RPC network of http://localhost:9545 in your MetaMask to make it work.

  7. Deploy smart contract to Rinkeby testnet

    • Install dependencies in the root directory.
      npm i
      # or
    • Create a .env file with Infura Project ID and private key of your Rinkeby account, for example:
    • Run the truffle migrate --network rinkeby command to deploy smart contract to Rinkeby network.

Continuous Integration

The repository setup Continuous Integration build pipeline with GitHub Actions. Please refer to Continuous Integration Setup for more information.