Closed this issue · 4 comments
a1103688841 commented
你好!您在上面写的环境是win10,vs2015,cuda8,请问我可以使用ubuntu16.04,gcc5.4.0,cuda10实现吗??在import caffe的时候出现No module named _caffe 到现在我并未解决。
limuhit commented
You need to recompile the codes on ubuntu with your own environment. However, we had cooperation with Huawei and promise to not share the codes. You may try our new job which has the caffe source code available on GitHub. The link is https://github.com/limuhit/SCAE.
a1103688841 commented
哦哦 好的 谢谢老师指导
nanfangyuan commented
老师 有tensorflow 版本的源码可以学习吗
AkeLiLi commented
哦哦 好的 谢谢老师指导