
Regarding lidar2image

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello! Thank you for the work.

If I am correct, BEVFusion uses the depth information during inference which is derived from the lidar2image transformation matrix. However, as the lidar and images are taken at different timestamps, the lidar2image transformation matrix shouldn't always be the same since the vehicle is moving.

However, in your code, I do not see a ROS node that subscribes to the vehicle's pose and that the lidar2image is only initialized once in the model. As such, may I kindly check if you assume that the lidar2image transformation matrix is approximately constant?

hi, The code uses message_filters of ros。the default lidar and camera data have very close timestamps and are considered synchronized. the camera and lidar are rigidly connected and the acquisition time is also synchronized, lidar2cam considered unchanged When the carrier is in motion.