
The visual is upside down

detectiveHLH opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey guys,i got a problem when i using hublin on the mobile terminal,the visual is upside down,but it's normal on the PC terminal,is this a BUG of hublin?Can it be solved?

Hi, can you tell us what mobile and browser you are using? Can you post screenshots please?

My mobile is MiPhone 5s plus,and the system is android,6.0.1,the brower is Firefox,and here is the screenshots,
screenshot_2017-04-18-22-05-48-083_org mozilla fi

@detectiveHLH I confirm that this is a bug of Firefox mobile, see more at should work normally on Chrome mobile, can you check?

@heroandtn3 Thanks a lot,i will check the result on other browser.And i'll see if it goes right