The camera can only works in FireFox
Closed this issue · 4 comments
I open the website on Chrome or Opera,i got this error
I think maybe that have something to do with my server is not HTTPS,but after i set the server to HTTPS,i can not access the localhost:8080 any more.
I don know what's going on.I saw a similar issue which have been closed,but i can not get more information from that issue.
Please tell me how to let the camera work in Chrome and Opera
Hi, Chrome and Opera require do not allow using camera for non-HTTPS websites. Please use nginx to provide HTTPS connection.
@heroandtn3 I use apache to provide HTTPS,but it's not working,Am i must use nginx?
If you need to proxy it, is there a way to set a root dir in the config somehow?
If I run it under then it is not working as all paths are absolute and want to fetch e.g. and not
So you can't use it at the moment for Chrome as it requires https (and for sure I can't just shutdown my site and replace it with hublin)
Using latest version from docker (hublin@0.1.0 start /src)
I'm aware that I could use a subdomain, but this increases set-up effort at lot. With docker took me 5min to get it running. If there would be the possibility to have a base dir, I only need to set this and create the location in my nginx config and in total would have needed not more than 10min to get all running.
Subdomain means I need to add sub-domain (DNS change), new vhost and new SSL certificate.
@detectiveHLH if you want to use https, use port 8443.