
open up project to newcomers - let others know how you solved issues

seffw opened this issue · 1 comments

seffw commented

This is one of those projects where community feedback on issues and solutions is very low. For example, the instructions are incomplete but no-one so far has reported this.

I would like to fix this, not only for myself but to make this a worthy github project, with real community involvement.

Frist step, installation instructions. Clearly anyone with this working did not follow them as-is. So where is the feedback? It would help newcomers a lot. From what I can see, most people just dealt with issues for themselves and said nothing. So first step is to fix the installation instructions. Or doesn't this project want newcomers? I'm here to try and help

Versions of node seem to be a factor. It is not clear what current versions should be used. I ended up using 6.11.5

So, first correction. Installation instructions (if I understand correctly), should start with:
git clone --recursive
npm install

then (just to cover all bases):
cd hublin

Then as per current instructions (should anything be in-between these two steps?):
git clone --recursive

The mongodb commands need to be shown correctly (split into 3 commands):
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 7F0CEB10

echo 'deb dist 10gen' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list apt-get install -y mongodb-org=2.6.5 mongodb-org-server=2.6.5 mongodb-org-shell=2.6.5 mongodb-org-mongos=2.6.5 mongodb-org-tools=2.6.5

service mongod start

As it stated Node 6 was used, I changed my node version to this, as follows:
nvm install 6.11.5
nvm use 6.11.5

To run the Grunt test, I had to install grunt locally. I did this:
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install grunt --save-dev

To get all grunt dependencies, in the project root (/hublin) I had to run npm install again (but that might have been due to an earlier mistake on my part).

I am just a beginner here, so I am sure there is a lot other users with more node, grunt and hublin experience can add to help newcomers.

Thx for your feedback. We are currently working on a new documentation to help users. Will be online in some days.