
can't open bluetooth inhikey620

Closed this issue · 2 comments

the hikey-n-4.9-maste is flashed into hikey 620, but the bluetooth is not able to be opened.

Hi Bryan, this is unrelated to OP-TEE, or? Remember that this "optee_android_manifest" is mainly about getting OP-TEE to run on "some" Android build and we cannot guarantee that everything else used in this AOSP setup will work. In those cases it is probably better to talk to the maintainers of various components for a particular device.

@bryan370210 @jbech-linaro is right. If bluetooth doesn't work in hikey-n-4.9-master, then it most probably doesn't work in the regular/vanilla/non-OP-TEE android-7.1.2_r33 + linaro-nougat-tv build as well. In any case, hikey-n-4.9-master is outdated, obsolete and not maintained at this point, so please try lcr-ref-hikey-o instead.