
test-fgemm etc. fails with int64_t of bitsize ≈ 32

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While testing PR #290, I have stumbled on what seems to be an old bug, possibly related to cardinality bounds.
Essentially, ./test-fgemm -b 32 nearly fails systematically for Modular<int64_t, int64_t> and ModularBalanced<int64_t>.
This does not seem to be a recent problem; I also encounter it with fflas @ e5c9865 and givaro @ d52b8363 from September 2017, but I don't understand how it was not caught before since the random field size picked by the test frequently happen to be 32-bit long.
So maybe I missed some other cause, even though I can replicate it on two machines (one Linux, one OSX).

This is now fixed in #290 . Still test-fgemm -b 32 raises a bug with Modular<RecInt<7>> (due to RNS basis parameters)