
test-fgemm fails with Recint<7> on 32 bit primes

ClementPernet opened this issue · 1 comments

test-fgemm -b 32 fails with Modular<RecInt::ruint<7>> due to problems in the computation of the bounds for the RNS basis.

Checking .......Modular<RecInt::ruint<7>> modulo 2711929937 ... 

ERROR (at init in ../fflas-ffpack/field/rns-double-recint.inl:42): 
Precondition not met:rns_double [init] -> rns basis is too small to handle ruint<K> with 2^(16*k) values 
K=7 k=8 _ldm=6
 ** On entry to DGEMM  parameter number 10 had an illegal value

ERROR (at init in ../fflas-ffpack/field/rns-double-recint.inl:42): 
Precondition not met:rns_double [init] -> rns basis is too small to handle ruint<K> with 2^(16*k) values 
K=7 k=8 _ldm=6
 ** On entry to DGEMM  parameter number 10 had an illegal value
a   :1, b   : 0
m   :44, n   : 39, k   : 22
ldA :53, ldB : 48, ldC : 47
Error C[0,0]=0 D[0,0]=1129841161
Error C[0,1]=0 D[0,1]=1668234864
Error C[0,2]=0 D[0,2]=1457589114
Error C[0,3]=0 D[0,3]=2074903622

Solved by PR #306.