
Tarball for release 2.4.3 does not include all commits of the corresponding tag

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The tarball leaves out commit f1f9ee7, which breaks compilation for macaulay2 with GCC 10.

After looking at this more closely, it seems that tag v2.4.3 was one year after tag 2.4.3, and that the release v2.4.3 on github links to a tarball of 2.4.3.

This is very bad indeed.

  • tag 2.4.3 was created soon after the release of 2.4.2, probably to declare the next release version. This should not have happened.
  • Indeed upon releasing 2.4.2, the tag v2.4.3 was coined, but the tarballs were generated from the commit of 2.4.3. instead.
    As a consequence, there is a discrepancy between the v2.4.3 and the actual tar ball release which was used packaging in various systems.
    I can think of only one easy fix which will accommodate with the largely distributed tar balls erroneously based on 2.4.3 and not v2.4.3:
  • remove this release entry in github, and create one for fflas-ffpack-2.4.3 at tag 2.4.3 with the same tarballs.
  • add a tag v2.4.4 at v2.4.3 and release it as fflas-ffpack-2.4.2
  • hopefully this mess will become less problematic, once we release 2.5.0, which we are working on now.

As for f1f9ee7, breaking compilation of macaulay2 with gcc10, I guess it deserves its own issue.

All apologies, as I am very likely the main culprit for this mess.

Ok, I just updated the 2.4.3 release to point to the tag 2.4.3 and no longer v2.4.3.
After a second thought, I will not create a 2.4.4 at the position of v2.4.3 to avoid unnecessary complications, since we will release 2.5.0, very soon.

@ClementPernet: Note also that the tar.bz2 are named fflas_ffpack instead of fflas-ffpack. If you will keep doing bz2, maybe you can fix that to be fflas-ffpack as well.

Well, no, this bz2 archive is produced for integration into sagemath, which requires this naming convention.