
track: command not found

jeffalstott opened this issue · 9 comments

Macintosh-9:Google_Drive jeff$ ln -s Glock/ bin/track
Macintosh-9:Google_Drive jeff$ ln -s Glock/ bin/untrack
Macintosh-9:Google_Drive jeff$ cd bin
Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ ls
bee clock   fw  track   untrack
Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ chmod +x *track
Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ cd
Macintosh-9:~ jeff$ track "test"
-bash: track: command not found
Macintosh-9:~ jeff$ track test
-bash: track: command not found
Macintosh-9:~ jeff$ cd Google_Drive/bin/
Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ ls
bee clock   fw  track   untrack
Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ track "test"
-bash: track: command not found
Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ sudo chmod +x track
Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ sudo chmod +x untrack
Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ track "test"
-bash: track: command not found
Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ track test
-bash: track: command not found

have you put Google_Drive/bin/ in your $PATH as per the README?

Yes. That is where all my custom scripts reside. Why do you think it's
called /bin? :)

On Thursday, October 16, 2014, Ramana Kumar

have you put Google_Drive/bin/ in your $PATH as per the README?

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#4 (comment).

yeah? show us echo $PATH and which track, and also ls -l Google_Drive/bin/

Macintosh-9:Google_Drive jeff$ which track
(No output)

Macintosh-9:~ jeff$ ls -l Google_Drive/bin
total 40
-rwx--x--x  1 jeff  staff  1265 Oct 16  2013 bee
-rwx--x--x  1 jeff  staff  1457 Feb 26  2014 clock
-rwx--x--x  1 jeff  staff   252 Apr 29 19:16 fw
lrwxr-xr-x  1 jeff  staff    29 Oct 16 05:21 track ->
lrwxr-xr-x  1 jeff  staff    29 Oct 16 05:22 untrack ->

Macintosh-9:~ jeff$ echo $PATH

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Ramana Kumar

yeah? show us echo $PATH and which track, and also ls -l Google_Drive/bin/

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#4 (comment).

do this:

cd Google_Drive/bin
rm track untrack
ln -s ~/Glock/ track
ln -s ~/Glock/ untrack

and try again.

My hypotheses: the problem is you didn't give the correct path to when you made the links. Symbolic links are made from a particular string, not the location that string happens to denote, so if the string denotes a different (e.g. non-existent) location is another context things will fail.

Good idea. However, I tried it and it didn't change.

Macintosh-9:~ jeff$ which track
Macintosh-9:~ jeff$ ls -l Google_Drive/bin
total 40
-rwx--x--x  1 jeff  staff  1265 Oct 16  2013 bee
-rwx--x--x  1 jeff  staff  1457 Feb 26  2014 clock
-rwx--x--x  1 jeff  staff   252 Apr 29 19:16 fw
lrwxr-xr-x  1 jeff  staff    41 Oct 17 07:29 track ->
lrwxr-xr-x  1 jeff  staff    41 Oct 17 07:29 untrack ->
Macintosh-9:~ jeff$ echo $PATH

There's even this:

Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ sudo chmod +x track untrack
Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ ls
bee clock fw track untrack
Macintosh-9:bin jeff$ track "test"
-bash: track: command not found

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:17 PM, Ramana Kumar

do this:

cd Google_Drive/bin
rm track untrack
ln -s ~/Glock/ track
ln -s ~/Glock/ untrack

and try again.

My hypotheses: the problem is you didn't give the correct path to when you made the links. Symbolic links are made
from a particular string, not the location that string happens to denote,
so if the string denotes a different (e.g. non-existent) location is
another context things will fail.

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#4 (comment).

What is the output of

file ~/Google_Drive/bin/track


D'oh! I was blindly putting in ln commands without thinking about where the
Glock directory actually was. Now the linking works.

However, I'm now tracking and untracking things, without any request for
authorization, etc. I suspect I'm actually tracking things on one of the
developer's calendars.

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 7:57 AM, Ramana Kumar

What is the output of

file ~/Google_Drive/bin/track


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#4 (comment).

@linbug: close this issue. It turned out not to be a Glock fault :)
@jeffalstott: open another one if necessary, or email me.