
review & paper list

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Anomaly Detection

This review refers to these two papers: CHANDOLA and 陈斌

Research Status

Since the abnormal data is usually very small, the current anomaly detection method is mostly from the construction of the hypothetical model, even though we're not doing noise removal.

Besides, as this area has been fully explored, researchers are mostly exploring the nature of abnormal production, adding priori information based on data characteristics to develop special algorithms in specific application areas, or optimizing in the context of big data and real-time networking.


  • Encompass every normal behavior
  • Malicions may appear normal
  • "Normal" keeps envolving
  • Differ from domains
  • The availability of data
  • Data contains noise

Type of Anomaly

  • Point
  • Contextual: Each data instance has contextual and behavior attributes. eg. time series or spatial data
  • Collective: Occurrence together as a collection is anomalous. eg. sequence, graph or spatial data




  • can distinguish between classes
  • testing phase is easy


  • rely on labels
  • no probabilistic score

Neural Networks-Based

Replicator Neural Networks (Hawkins et al. 2002; Williams et al. 2002)

Bayesian Networks-Based

  • smoothed zero probabilities using Laplace smoothing
  • capture the conditional dependencies between the different attributes(Siaterlis and Maglaris 2004; Janakiram et al. 2006; Das and Schneider 2007)

Support Domain

  • SVM <=> slab SVM <=> SV data description
  • minimum enclosing ellipsoid


  • Decision Trees

Set Density Threshold


  • unsupervised
  • rarely miss anomaly
  • easy to migrate


  • has requirements for data structures and volume
  • testing phase is challange
  • perform rely on diatance measures

Passing parameters or non-parametric methods to estimate the density model of training samples and set the density threshold. If a test data is smaller than the threshold, it is considered abnormal.

The easiest parameter method is Gaussian One-dimensional distribution, from which developed Gaussian Multi-element model and Gaussian Mixed Model, the problem with this method is that γ is hard to chose and more samples are needed to overcome dimensional disasters.There are also other regression modes like ARIMA and ARMA.

KNN is a typical example of a nonparametric method, and Kanamori improve its performace under high dimensional finite samples by estimating the importance of the sample using its probability density function on the testset.


Information Theoretic Anomaly

analyze the information content of a data set using different information theoretic measures such as Kolomogorov Complexity, entropy, relative entropy, Local Search Algorithm,and so on.

Spectral techniques

try to find an approximation of the data using a combination of attributes that capture the bulk of the variability in the data.

Principle curves


Dealing with Data Imbalance

Artificially generated sample

Existing abnormal sample


Handling Contextual Ananomies

require that the data has a set of contextual attributes (to define a context), and a set of behavioral attribute

  • Spatial: Lu et al. 2003; Shekhar et al. 2001; Kou et al. 2006; Sun and Chawla 2004
  • Graphs: Sun et al. 2005
  • Sequential:
  • Time-series data: Abraham and Chuang 1989; Abraham and Box 1979; Rousseeuw and Leroy 1987; Bianco et al. 2001; Fox 1972; Salvador and Chan 2003; Tsay et al. 2000; Galeano et al. 2004; Zeevi et al. 1997
  • Web data: Ilgunetal.1995; VilaltaandMa2002; WeissandHirsh 1998; Smyth 1994
  • Profile:
  • cell-phone fraud detection : Fawcett and Provost 1999; Teng et al. 1990
  • CRM databases: He et al. 2004b
  • credit-card fraud detection: Bolton and Hand 1999

Reduction to Point

eg. Song et al. 2007

  • identify a context for each test instance using the contextual attributes.
  • compute an anomaly score for the test instance within the context using a known point anomaly detection technique.

Utillizing the Structure

modeling the regression as well as correlation between the sequences

  • ARMA and ARIMA
  • FSA
  • HMM

Features of Different Application Scenarios

Intrusion (malicious)

  • Has huge volume data --> Focus on computing efficiency
  • Hot-based (co-occurrence of events)
  • Network (intrustion)

Frand (criminal in commerxial organizations)

  • credit card: owners' usage history and location
  • mobile phone: calling behavior
  • insurance: manually investigated cases and active monitoring
  • insider tracking (stock markets): as early as possible, temporal association


detect disease --> require high accuracy

Industrial Damage

  • fault detection
  • structual defect

Image Processing

  • motion
  • regions
  • large-size input

Text Data

  • large variations in documents
  • topics/events/stories


  • itself
  • event