
How to disable email alerts for a particular check?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Maybe I'm just being dim.

  • I set ALERT_EMAILS in to include my email address.
  • Most checks are configured with no alert_emails option (as I want to receive notifications)
  • I am trying to suppress notifications for a few services...

Setting alert_emails: False or alert_emails: (nothing) leads to a TypeError.

Setting alert_emails: [] (an empty list; the default in results in emails being sent as before.

Setting alert_emails: \n - (a list with 1 empty item) leads to TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, NoneType found. says "unless specified otherwise in the checks.yaml". So... how do I specify?

ipmb commented

@yml any thoughts?

yml commented

You can set the alert_emails on each check and let the global one empty. I can understand that this is sub optimal it would be nicer to be able to silence a check.

  • alert_emails: False look like a good approach too me.