ssh-auth: true is not working , expecting a PAT keys
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Describe the bug
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I am trying to use SSH keys instead PAT keys to executor mult-gitter print command but it always throws error for both organisation and repo ,
either the --token flag or the GITHUB_TOKEN/GITLAB_TOKEN/GITEA_TOKEN/BITBUCKET_SERVER_TOKEN environment variable has to be set
To Reproduce
multi-gitter print ./ -R org/repo --config=report-config.yml
// Use SSH cloning URL instead of HTTPS + token. This requires that a setup with ssh keys that have access to all repos and that the server is already in known_hosts.
ssh-auth: true
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Have an organization that '....'
- Run
multi-gitter run -xxx
- See error
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
I do have ssh keys that I can clone repos and it's in known_hosts . Do we need to specify path for ssh keys?
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
It is for example often useful to include detailed logs from a run with --log-level=trace
Please provide more information. What is not working at what error message do you get? Please provide a way to reproduce the bug.
The only thing I can gather is that you need to use the ssh-auth flag and that the ssh keys are in known_hosts which seems wrong since ssh keys are not stored there?
sorry for not responding , is there any example how we can use ssh-keys to use?
I am getting following error
either the --token flag or the GITHUB_TOKEN/GITLAB_TOKEN/GITEA_TOKEN/BITBUCKET_SERVER_TOKEN environment variable has to be set
I am using multi-gitter print
either the --token flag or the GITHUB_TOKEN/GITLAB_TOKEN/GITEA_TOKEN/BITBUCKET_SERVER_TOKEN environment variable has to be set
Then do as instructed by the error! Read the docs in the readme if needed. Why do you assume that ssh-keys is the problem?
I'm sorry for the harsh tone. But these types of issues where the creator of the issue is using it as a support ticket and does not invest any time in either trying to resolve the problem themself or providing adequate information for debugging the bug (which this clearly seems to not be) wastes a lot of time and drains me and other maintainers of both time and energy.