
Support for WebGL platform?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Is it a security issue?

If you believe you have discovered a vulnerability or have an issue related to security, please DO NOT open a public issue. Instead, send us a mail to

What did you do?

Please describe what you did before you encounter the issue.

What did you expect?

Please describe what you did expect to happen.

What happened actually?

Please describe what happened actually.

Your environment?

Some information of the environment in which the issue happened. LINE SDK version, Unity version, Android version, iOS version, etc.

Sample project

It would be appreciated if you can provide a link to or update a sample project that we can download and reproduce the issue.

Hi, @kultie

line-sdk-unity is now a wrapper for our native SKDs, which in turn are built for native apps for iOS and Android. It does not support WebGL as a target platform, and there is plan for it yet now.