
Android Build fail: Execution failed for task ':transformClassesAndResourcesWithProguardForRelease'.

NayuuHikari opened this issue · 1 comments

Is it a security issue?


What did you do?

I create a empty unity project, import ‘line_sdk_unity_1.1.6.unitypackage’, and add "implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0'" in 'mainTemplate.gradle'. Then set 'minifyEnabled true' and 'useProguard true'.
Then build, it show : Gradle build failed.
if don't add "implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0'" or set 'useProguard false', it will build success.

What did you expect?

My project need add "implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0'" and set 'useProguard true'.
I hope it can build success.

What happened actually?

I added my log as an attachment

Your environment?

Some information of the environment in which the issue happened. LINE SDK version, Unity version, Android version, iOS version, etc.
LINE SDK version: line_sdk_unity_1.1.6.unitypackage
Unity version: unity 2017.4.30f1
Android version: Minimum API Level 17, Target API Level 29, Build Gradle: 3.2.0

Sample project

it's a empty unity project, then import ‘line_sdk_unity_1.1.6.unitypackage’ and modify mainTemplate.gradle

Supplementary notes: my actually project also add other SDK. For example appsflyer, firebase, facebook, gms, etc.

Not sure if the logs are related to LINE SDK for Unity. It does not seem an issue from our side. :(

@plateaukao I am not an expert on Android, especially the Gradle building system and Android X things. Do you have any idea or suggestion on this issue?