start xmonad error.
leaeasy opened this issue · 2 comments
I found some error in .xmonad/xmonad.hs file: getMyScriptDir,getMyXMonadDir.
When I change getMyScript to getScriptDir, and getMyXmonadDir to getXmonaDir.
The log tells me something wrong:
2 xmonad.hs:169:26:
3 Couldn't match type ‘Rational -> Rational -> ManageHook’
4 with ‘Query (Data.Monoid.Endo WindowSet)’
5 Expected type: ManageHook
6 Actual type: Rational -> Rational -> ManageHook
7 Probable cause: ‘rightPanelHook’ is applied to too few arguments
8 In the ‘launchHook’ field of a record
9 In the expression:
10 tgd
11 {taskGroupName = "pidgin-buddy",
12 filterPredicate = isPidginBuddyList, launchHook = rightPanelHook,
13 construct = \ n _ -> mkNamedScratchpad scratchpads "pidgin",
14 windowStyle = windowStyleFromList
15 [rightPanelHook, leftPanelHook, doSink]}
17 xmonad.hs:171:48:
18 Couldn't match type ‘Rational -> Rational -> ManageHook’
19 with ‘Query (Data.Monoid.Endo WindowSet)’
20 Expected type: ManageHook
21 Actual type: Rational -> Rational -> ManageHook
22 Probable cause: ‘rightPanelHook’ is applied to too few arguments
23 In the expression: rightPanelHook
24 In the first argument of ‘windowStyleFromList’, namely
25 ‘[rightPanelHook, leftPanelHook, doSink]’
The auxiliary files have just been updated to work with the newest VIMonad.
To pull in the changes I'd suggest you to redo the steps 2 and 3 under the Steps in README
Note the README has been updated to shine some light on the new features as well, notably, Dynamic Prompt. One of these features is inputting Chinese in the prompt, which might be useful to you.
Can you confirm if it works?