

nextflow run lingualab/speechmetryflow -r 0.0.3 --input participant_ids.csv

Replace the -r option with the release you want to use

Files needed


This CSV file must contain at least 4 columns:

  • participant_id is required for the pipeline to find your files. These files must begin by the participant_id. To specify the folder where your files are located, see nextflow.config.
  • language: 2 choices, en or fr.
  • sex: 2 choices, male or female.
  • task: 2 choices, cookie_theft or picnic.


participant_id language sex task
sub-PKM8767 en male cookie_theft
sub-SBK4467 en female picnic


Example for elm server:

params {
    audio_folder = "/data/brambati/dataset/CCNA/derivatives/audio_extract"
    text_folder = "/data/brambati/dataset/CCNA/derivatives/cookie_txt"

And then run:

nextflow run lingualab/speechmetryflow -r 0.0.3 -profile unf_elm --input participant_ids.csv


The pipeline produces 3 csv files:

  • population_audio_metrics: metrics compute with lingualabpy_audio_metrics from lingualabpy
  • population_uhmometer_metrics: metrics compute with uhm-o-meter
  • population_text_metrics: metrics compute with Text2Variable

Metrics description