
Primary LanguageJava

Setting up SOS

1: Fork khayamgondal/SOSAgent & khayamgondal/SOSForFloodlight to your GitHub account

2: Setup ssh keys and clone these repos to your home folder

3: Install maven, vagrant and virtual box

4: Building Agents & Floodlight: cd SOSAgent/ and mvn package, similarly SOSForFloodligh/ mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true. These commands will package .jar files in target/ directory

5: cd SOSAgent/ and vagrant up . This will bring up the vagrant up. It might take some time. Once done do vagrant ssh

6: cd sos-agent and run sudo python 2hop-mininnet-topo.py script. it will bring up the mininet topology.

7: Once its done, You will see multiple xterm sessions on screen (If you are on Mac and see error "Can't open Display", You will need to install XQuartz). Go to client1 and try to ping server1 ( It would be unsuccessful as floodlight is yet not running

8: Open another session by vagrant ssh , cd sos-for-floodlight/ and run java -jar target/floodlight.jar It will start the controller. Go back to client1 and you will see ping going through.

9: Starting Agents: (On agent1 & agent 2) cd sos-agent & run java -jar target/sosagent.jar. It will start the agents.

10: Whitelisting agents: cd sos-for-floodlight/ and run con_whitelist.sh. This file contains the white list entries for controller.