
ArchiCAD objects not working?

Closed this issue · 2 comments


First of all, thanks for doing this app! :)

Archicad Issue:
In my speckle account I got two projects, one created in archicad one in Revit..

Both projects show correct amount of walls, slabs etc (in children count).. But when I go into "Walls" in the archicad modell it doesnt list anything even though it showed the correct children count previously..

I noticed in speckle that archicad names the object different and also don't give them an ID the same way revit does.. Maybe that's what is causing the issue?

Revit issue: (should I post this as a separate issue maybe?)
When I instead use the revit-models object (that do work).. Even though I fill in all the materials and assign it etc.. When I try to do "Start calculating" it will just show the "process circle" forever and nothing else happens.. ? Am I doing something wrong?

Yah, with ArchiCAD we either need to check and add a new translation between the two or see if Speckle changes them to match.
For Rhino we made a Grasshopper script, that would mappe the geometry in to the right structure. But I saw that Speckle has a new mapper tool which might do the work of consolidating formats for us .

As to the error with the Revit model. This sounds like an issue with the API.
I think that LCAbyg might recently have changes something and we might need to look at reformat the data that we are sending.
Otherwise the way their server is set up right now I am getting a cross origin request error (CORS) when connecting to them directly form the app. The work around we have right now is to send the request through a proxy, but this seems more like a temporary fix and might contribute to issues.

Solutions would either be to

  • Have LCAbyg change the policy on their end
  • Set up a backend server to handle the requests

But if we could manage to get around of having a backend server (other then Speckle for the data) this would be a nice small app which could easily be hosed (e.g Github Pages) and would completely run client side in the browser.

We're currently internally in the need to connect ArchiCAD models with the Speckle tool, most likely using Tapir and passing through Rhino/GH. Will keep this thread updated on what we with @LA-Andrei come up with.