
connect hms(hive metastore store) sometimes breaks and does not reconnect

KANLON opened this issue · 0 comments

when running the project ,after a period of time, connect hms sometimes breaks and does not reconnect (It may be a network issue, etc)

bug it not reconnect, I think this is a bit problematic

when i read code,i find it use new HiveMetaStoreClient(conf) to create IMetaStoreClient in MetastoreProvider#getRemoteMetastoreClient method . This way is not will reconnect, it should be replace RetryingMetaStoreClient.getProxy(conf)

some error message like

org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException Create breakpoint reset by peer:socket write error
at org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport.flush([libthrift-0.9.2.jar:0.9.2]